
Oral squamous cell carcinoma: like owner, like cat 

Links between lifestyle and oral cancers in cats

Source: Laura Snyder 
The Veterinary Journal vol 193 no 1, July 2012 pp 6-7.

Cats and humans can be affected by squamous cell carcinoma, which is the most common cause of oral tumours, and a type of cancer that is difficult to treat. Risk factors for cats include wearing flea collars, and a high level of consumption of canned food. Dry food appears to help to remove tartar. Poor oral hygiene and high levels of consumption of processed meat are also risk factors in humans. Cats may also be at risk if they live in a household where humans smoke, and humans put themselves at risk by smoking. Humans should think about our own lifestyles, since bad habits may affect the health of our cats as well as affecting our own health.