
Equitation Science


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‘Equitation Science’ is an approach to training horses based on insights into learning from a school of psychology called ‘behaviourism’. The authors explain basic concepts such as classical and operant conditioning, and ‘habituation’, or getting horses used to something so that it no longer spooks them. This explanation is a bit heavy-going unless you already have a background in psychology, and if you have, you may find it tedious.

The authors’ goal is to assess practices using both scientific and ethical criteria, with the idea that both horses and riders will benefit from a more efficient and humane approach. In some ways, this works, and most horse people will find some insights in ‘Equitation Science’, especially in the section on clicker training. However, scientific research often discovers what many experienced people in a field have known for a long time, so academic scientists need some humility. Furthermore, new research papers are appearing all the time, so any attempt at pinning down a ‘scientific approach’ needs constant updating. Since this book came out, academic scientists have published some interesting work on how horses try to tell us what they want. Experienced owners know that horses can do this – we only have to listen.

It‘s also difficult to write in general terms when each horse and rider forms a unique partnership. Horses used to being ridden by different people tend to be a lot less responsive than those who have built up a partnership with one rider with whom they communicate well. Styles and techniques can differ according to what the rider’s goals are. How well a rider uses the seat to send messages to the horse depends on both experience and coordination. How a horse responds to use of reins depends on the horse’s previous experience, and the rider’s skill. The authors perhaps needed to be warier of generalizing quite so much. However, despite its limitations, ‘Equitation Science’ is a thought-provoking read, with a lot to offer experienced riders.