Haemorrhagic fever, oedema and high mortality associated with FCV infection

Concern about feline calcivirus infection outbreaks in the US

source: A.D. Radford et al
Veterinary Record Vol 151 no 5, August 3 2002 p155

There is concern about outbreaks of feline calcivirus in the US, where a new strain affecting both kittens and adults has led to mortality rates often reaching 50%. Affected cats show a range of symptoms, including pyrexia (90%), paw and facial oedema (50%) and upper respiratory tract infection (50%). Infection can be spread by humans and contaminated instruments and cages as well as by contact between cats. Many cats succumbing to these infections had been given all their vaccinations. Quarantine and other measures have helped to limit outbreaks. It takes from between two to four weeks for cats to cease shedding this virus from the time they are infected. The infection appears to be confined to the US, but anecdotal evidence suggests a possible case in the UK. This virulent strain of virus could be the result of a mutation, so may appear outside the US. UK vets suspecting that cats have this type of infection should contact A.D. Radford and team at Liverpool University, where specialist facilities are available for molecular typing and virus isolation.