
Is your playful feline playing up?

Solving common feline behavioural problems

source: Guardian supplement, Pets: cats and dogs, March 2010, p21

Cats' behavioural problems include scratching furniture. When cats scratch in just one or two locations, they may need a scratching post to keep their claws in trim. Catnip sprayed on the post can persuade the cat to use it as an alternative to furniture. Cats may also scratch to mark, especially if they are stressed. Enzyme cleansers help mask the odour, and keeping cats' food and litter trays away from other cats can remove sources of stress. Litter trays should be clean, provide enough room, and in quiet locations, and be away from feeding and resting areas. Two or more cats need two or more trays. Feline houstraining problems often arise from inadequate litter trays.

Cats are naturally playful, and providing toys like puzzle feeders and fishing rods helps calm them if they are too enegetic. When humans share feeding and play time, cats are less likely to depend on a single person. Cats may also benefit from daily play sessions to channel their energy.