collie2Welcome to InfoPet

A wealth of information on pet care, behaviour, training and health, for people interested in cats, dogs, ferrets, chickens and parrots, rabbits and other small and furries, hedgehogs, horses, reptiles and amphibians and fish. 

An informative pet website

Animal Care and Behaviour has articles to help you choose, understand and care for your pet. News and Research contains summaries of articles from a wide range of sources, including veterinary and animal behaviour journals. Books on Animals has reviews of books on pet care, training, behaviour, and health. There are links to organizations, informative sites,  and interesting blogs in Useful Contacts. Lastly,  Animals on Stamps is a philatelic excursion into the world of birds, dogs, cats, reptiles and other creatures on stamps. 

Animal Care and Behaviour

Click on: Birdwatching, Cats (including Choosing a cat, Cat's Behavioural Problems, Outdoor Cats, Indoor Cats and Raw Feeding for Cats), Chickens, Chinchillas, Chipmunks, Dogs (including Dogs' Behavioural Problems, and Dogs and Diet (canine nutrition), Dog Breeds and Breed Books, Puppy care and training, Dog Gardens, Multi-dog householdsDogs and Wolves and Canine Social Cognition ), Ferrets, Fish, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Hedgehogs, Rabbits, Gerbils, The Parrot Family, Rats, and Reptiles and Amphibians.